Nacel Open Door Resource Center




AYP Host Family Document Center

Find, view, and complete documents needed by you or your student while they are on an NOD program, such as travel forms, insurance documents, and your Host Family Handbook.
•  Take me directly to Travel Documents
•  Take me directly to Insurance Documents

PSP Host Family Document Center

Find, view, and complete documents needed by you or your student while they are on an NOD program, such as travel forms, insurance documents, and your Host Family Handbook.
•  Take me directly to Travel Documents
•  Take me directly to Insurance Documents


Host Family Application

Start your online host family application today! Please note that the application is best completed on a desktop/laptop computer.
•  Click here to submit your CBC

Refer a Host Family

Do you know a family who would be the perfect Host Family? Refer them today!


Student Document Center

Find the documents you need while studying in the U.S. on program, from travel forms or
insurance documents to your Student Handbook and much more.
•  Take me directly to Travel Documents
•  Take me directly to Insurance Documents

Rep Center

Track host family applications, complete monthly contact reports, and depending on the program, browse student profiles. Please email us or call (800) 622-3553 if you need any assistance.
•  Click here to submit your CBC


Local Rep Document Center

Access the most current forms and documents you will need, from home visit and orientation forms to your local representative training manual and more.
•  Take me directly to Travel Documents
•  Take me directly to Insurance Documents


Local Rep Training Program

NOD has created an online training program to prepare our Local Reps for success. There are eight sections that make up this training, and the pace can be determined individually. This training is specifically for NOD’s Local Representatives. If you are interested in becoming a NOD Local Representative, click here to apply.