NOD Alumni
Alumni Spotlight
Meet Father Adolfo Granillo Ocampo, a priest and headmaster at Nuestra Señora de las Nieves (Our Lady of the Snows) parish in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After his own time as a exchange student in the U.S. as a 17-year-old, Father Adolfo "rediscovered" NOD in 2017, and now he is giving his students a chance to discover a different way of life, and hopefully gain some new perspectives on not only American culture, but their own Argentinian culture.

St. Paul Preparatory School (SPP) Records Request
To request a transcript or replacement diploma from your time at SPP be mailed to a college/university for admission, please fill out our Records Request Form.
Please note that it can take up to 10 business days for processing, depending on the time of year.

Share Your Story
We’re so proud of our former students, and we’d love to hear what you’re up to now. Please share your story with us and the thousands of students considering embarking on this amazing journey!
Check Out NOD Voices
We have many stories and articles from our past exchange students scattered throughout NOD Voices!