2025-26 CBYX Vocational Application
Applications are now closed and selection is underway for the 2025-26 CBYX Vocational Scholarship.
Applications for the 2026-27 program will be due in December 2025.
You may submit a request to be notified when the 2026-27 application becomes available.

Vocational Exchange in Germany
The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) Vocational Scholarship provides an opportunity for American high school graduating seniors to spend the year after graduation in Germany.
This opportunity offers students a chance to pursue vocational interests, such as:
• Architecture • Culinary Arts
• Education • Engineering
• Veterinary Science • Graphic Design
• Information Technology • Health Care
• International Business • Forestry
Is CBYX For You?
CBYX is ideal for U.S. high school graduates who have demonstrated maturity, responsibility, and who can be entrusted to fulfill their roles as exchange students without day-to-day supervision. This program offers graduating high school seniors the opportunity to spend their 13th year abroad living with a German host family, participating in a training or school program, and gaining work experience through internships with German companies.

More About CBYX
The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange program provides a unique intercultural educational opportunity for American and German youth. Each year over 300 American high school students receive full scholarships to become exchange students in Germany, where they will live with host families for a year and attend German schools. This program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is jointly supported and funded by the United States Congress and the German Bundestag, and is administered by Nacel Open Door.
NOD Stories
CBYX Vocational Alumni
In addition to the personal and professional opportunities afforded the CBYX alumni, there are also many other opportunities available to them as U.S. State Department Exchange alumni. Returning CBYX participants become a member of the Educational and Cultural Affairs International Exchange Alumni, granting them access to numerous academic, professional, and financial resources. CBYX Vocational alumni also have opportunities to give back to the program, pay it forward, and to continue to fulfill the mission of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange program. CBYX alumni from all three sectors of the program (high school, vocational, young professionals) are welcome in and encouraged to be part of the CBYX Alumni Association.
Most of all, we encourage CBYX Vocational alumni to share their stories. Our alumni are important to us, and we always enjoy hearing from them. We invite our CBYX Vocational alumni to update their contact information with us and share the highlights of their CBYX Vocational stories.
We are always happy to assist you! If your questions about the CBYX Vocational Scholarship Program have not been answered, please contact us at 800-622-3553 or by email.