Sharing The Holidays

Advisor's Angle


Winter holidays are a special time of year for many American families, and a wonderful time to introduce your student to your family traditions.

Host family

What holidays do you celebrate as a family and how do you do so? Invite your student to help you get things ready for the holidays by helping you decorate the house or cook food. Some foods and traditions may be very new to students, so don’t be afraid to use this opportunity to explain why your family celebrates a certain holiday a specific way.

Students may have questions about what is expected of them during the holidays or school vacations, so clarify what your family’s plans are and what the student’s role will be in family chores or activities during that time. Talking openly about expectations
before a big event can help prevent misunderstandings.


Christmas Eve

This is a good time of year to ask your student what winter holidays they celebrate in their home country. Do they have a favorite seasonal food or activity? You may be interested to find out what is different or similar! Trying a traditional winter or holiday dish from your student’s culture can be a fun experience for the entire family. Students may be missing their families and friends during this time of year, so making a conscious effort to include your student and their culture in family plans can be very meaningful.

As always, the Advising Department welcomes any questions or concerns that students or host families have about their experiences. We wish you all a joyous holiday season!