Jiahui Hu, Congratulations on being Nacel Open Door latest Star

Jiahui Hu was nominated by her Local Representative, Carla Sherman, who said, “Jiahui first came to America for the 2021-22 school year and returned again this year as a Junior." She is once again living with her same host family from last year as it was such a great fit for all involved.
Jiahui’s Local Rep went on to say, "Jiahui is always a straight A student, taking all the most challenging courses, yet she is involved with her school’s extracurricular activities and at home with her family. She loves playing with her host brother and sisters and is truly one of the family. Many students would not be able to manage being part of such a large family, but she doesn't hide in her room, and instead enjoys hanging out with everyone. She has the whole balanced package: brains, sociability, and discipline.”
Jiahui is one of NOD’s Private School Program students and is attending a private school in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota.
Bravo Jiahui, and thank you for being one of NOD’s Stars!