Culture Note: Denmark

Culture Note: Denmark


Danes are known as generally tolerant people. It is not typical to hear about racial, religious, or cultural disputes in Denmark.

Culture Note: Denmark

It is also not typical to hear small talk in Denmark.

Although Danes tend to be polite, they don’t use the same pleasantries that we use in the U.S. There is no Danish word for
“please,” and your student probably won’t be used to anyone asking how it’s going or how they’re doing.

Culture Note: Denmark

Family life can get busy in Denmark, much like in the U.S. Dinner is considered one of the few times the family can get together to discuss the day, so it tends to be a larger meal. Because of this, Danes tend to eat lighter meals for breakfast and lunch.

Education is a priority in Denmark, and the Danish education system is world-renowned. Personal growth is emphasized over exams, and primary school is free and required for nine years. Entrance into universities is competitive, but once accepted, Danish citizens get a free college education.

Culture Note: Denmark