Congratulations Nacel Open Door Stars, Daniela and Samuel!

Daniela and Samuel


This summer, Nacel Open Door had the pleasure of welcoming Daniela and Samuel, siblings from Spain to our short-term program in Philadelphia. They both enjoyed living with their host families, exploring their local communities, touring the big cities, and sharing a bit of their culture by preparing a traditional Spanish omelette for their families. Everyone had a fun filled three weeks.  Read more below to see what the students and host parents had to say.

1. Please tell us about your experience being a student in America.

  • Daniela: Being a student in the USA is such a unique experience. In my case, I enjoyed so much talking to people and answering their questions about the Spanish culture, history and gastronomy. I also liked very much the time I spent with my host mother's family, as I felt like one of them and I could see their traditions and way of living.
  • Samuel: It was a great experience which taught me a lot of things about the American people and culture. I also met some people that taught me a lot. And the most important thing is that it was fun.

2. What are some of the key things you learned?

  • Daniela: During the time I spent in the US, I learnt various things. The most obvious one is English. Nevertheless, I became more independent, as no family or friends of mine were staying with me. I also had some talks with my host mother's parents, who gave me a piece of advice. This has helped me to have a new perspective of life and things.
  • Samuel: Some of the key things I learned are to say thank you for everything even if it’s a very small thing. And I also improved my English.

3. What surprised you about living in the U.S.?group pic

  • Daniela: One of the things that most surprised me when I arrived was the time they wake up, have dinner and lunch. I also thought they only ate homemade food, but it wasn't the case. I enjoyed trying different meals.
  • Samuel: What has surprised me the most is how friendly the people are in America.

4. How did the experience of living with a host family impact you?

  • Daniela: Well, I honestly think that families in the US are quite similar to Spanish ones. Although in the US they are a little bit more traditional.
  • Samuel: The experience of living in a host family impacted me in a good way. I learnt to be more independent, to be willing to try new things and to meet new people.

5. What are the three biggest differences you noticed during your exchange experience comparing life in the US to your life in your home country?

  • Daniela: Well, the biggest difference was the number of fast-food restaurants there were and that the calories were written on the menu. Another difference I noticed was that they had the air conditioning on at every time. The last difference was how early they woke up, as I'm used to sleeping until late.
  • Samuel: The biggest differences I noticed are the meals, in the US they have lunch around 12-1 and dinner around 4-5 while in Spain we have lunch around 2-3 and dinner around 9-10. I also noticed that in the US the public transport is not so common so they use the car all the time.

6. What would you tell someone who was considering a summer exchange program?

  • Daniela: Well, I would tell this person that it's not only about learning English, but getting to know new people, visiting new places, getting advice from other people... I think that going to the US is one of the best experiences a teenager can have.
  • Samuel: If someone was considering a summer exchange program, I would tell them to do it, it is a once in a lifetime experience, I think you will like it and you will improve your English.

7. Anything else you would like to share?

  • Daniela: I have really enjoyed the time I spent there. I also liked how my host mom and my brother's host family made an effort to make me feel comfortable and spend some time together.
  • Samuel: That’s everything.

Sarah Fortney was a first-time Nacel Open Door host mom of Daniela. NOD is grateful to Sarah and all of our host families who open their hearts and homes to our international students. She shared the following insights: 

  • Being a host parent was a lot of fun! I enjoyed learning about Daniela's culture and had fun sharing my culture with her.
  • I learned that people are the same no matter the country of origin. Though there may be some differences in experiences, thoughts, and preferences, we all have a basic need for community and love!
  • I was surprised at how well Daniela adjusted to the American culture. She communicated well with others and blended right in with my community.
  • Having an exchange student impacted my family in a positive way. It has increased our desire to travel and learn about other cultures. 
  • To someone who was considering hosting, “I would say "go for it!" It's busy and can be a lot of work, but it's definitely worth it!”

Thank you, Samuel and Daniela, for being two of NOD’s Stars and cultural ambassadors from Spain! To learn more about being a NOD Host Family or Local Representative helping to place students in communities, visit

Samuel & Daniela     Gabriela and Samuel - Broadway