Congratulations Nacel Open Door Star, Cassie Audette!

This summer Nacel Open Door’s (NOD) first-time hosts, Cassie and Joseph Audette of Claremont, New Hampshire had the pleasure of welcoming Agathe from France for a three-week immersion program. Cassie and her family adored having an exchange student in their home, and neither they, nor Agathe, were ready for her to go home after her short stay. Here are some of Cassie’s highlights and learnings in her own words:
- I miss my French "daughter!
- Agathe from the beginning was destined and chosen by God for our family. I could not have asked for or imagined a better placement! Starting off so quiet and unsure of her English, she dove headfirst into this experience. By the end it's as if she had been around forever! Because of her, our son James decided he wants to learn French.
- While she claims she learned a lot from us, the truth is we learned so much more from her! Some examples include:
- The closest French baguette in the grocery stores around here is found at the little co-op in White River Junction, but even that isn't quite right.
- Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. is named Bob in France.
- "Knock, Knock" is "Toc, Toc"
- Peanut butter is not common in France.
- Middle school is called "college", while college is "University".
- Lemonade is carbonated in France.
- "Squirrel" is supposed to be the hardest word for the French to say, but "Literally" might have to replace that.
- They don't have raw cookie dough to eat.
- They don't have peanut butter M&Ms.
- They have only three kinds of rice (white, brown, and sushi).
- Eating with your hands is considered rude in most situations.
- And so much more!
The family’s time was spent bonding with their daughter Tayla (who is the same age) and their friends, sharing cultures, and Agathe meeting then saying goodbye to new friends. This included sharing new meals: Agathe made crepes and lasagna, and Cassie shared how to make homemade mac and cheese. And together they shared late night cookie baking, a lot of cookie dough eating, late nights, early mornings, painting, and so much laughter, love, and tears.
On the last morning, the family drove to Boston, explored, and then took Agathe to the airport for her meet-up time. Cassie and her children hung out with Agathe until they were able to go through security. The family and their friend Rebecca, along with her exchange student, added one of the teen boys to their group at the airport and filled the time with more laughter, a game of Sorry, and stories of their time here before everyone finally cried their goodbyes and promised to stay in touch. Cassie has received word that Agathe is safely home and is already asking her parents to come back!
Thank you, Cassie, for being one of our NOD stars and a standout U.S. Ambassador! It was Cassie’s first-time hosting an exchange student and she and her family jumped in with both feet. Nacel Open Door is grateful to Cassie and all of our host families who make our international student exchanges work so well! To learn more about being a Host Family or Local Representative visit