Congratulations Nacel Open Door Star, Batzul (Zula) Dashdorj!

NOD is excited to introduce one of our alumni exchange students and Nacel Open Door (NOD) Stars, Batzul (Zula) Dashdorj, of Mongolia! We’re excited to share Zula’s story, because it showcases the long-term impact that international exchange student programs have on both the host family and the international student.
"I am one of those lucky people who can say I am a citizen of two countries. I was born and raised in Mongolia until I was 16 years old and was given an opportunity to come to the U.S. to study for one year in high school. Now, I bet you have guessed it correctly that the journey that gave me this great opportunity was Nacel Open Door’s J-1 exchange student program. At the
time, I did not know this brave decision of my parents to let
their daughter spread her wings to live without them for almost 10 months on the other side of the world, and that my curiosity of a different country and different culture, would change my destiny to a better future.
Because of this move, I gained a wonderful family whom I still call my American parents “mom” and “dad” to this day, which amounts to nearly 26 years. We visit each other every chance that we get. The experience of being on my own in unknown territory and not speaking the language were the foremost challenges when this journey started, and many of you might be feeling the same. Moving always brings a gift; I believe in this concept when I look back to my journey, and this concept drives me today. When I landed in California for the orientation, I did not know almost a single word in English and had never seen so many different ethnic people are living together. Everything was new, everything was daunting.
However, my first family that picked me up from the Detroit airport on that late afternoon of August was the beginning of everything. These amazing people taught me how to understand, read and speak in English within 30 days. I think they tried more than me; my host mom would enunciate the words five times while my host dad would be acting out the word. They would sit with me for hours on end to watch movies and take their time to explain the meanings. Can you imagine how they took care of me and at the same time strengthened me with skills that I did not know about? I can still see the living room that we used to sit for hours and hours. It was bittersweet to leave the family after a month of mingling closely every single day.
Because of my lack of the language, the Program Coordinator decided to send me back home, only she did not know that I could understand and speak at a very good level of English within a month. She literally turned around from the airport and brought me into her home. She placed me with a different family and my journey continued. I enrolled at a high school, and my goal was being fulfilled. Due to an unfortunate health issue of my new host parent, I was placed into my third host family’s home, whom I still consider my American parents today.
It was just before Christmas and snow had already covered
everything. So beautiful and festive. I am always grateful of the path that gave me this family. I experienced family dynamics that I have never known. Simple, ordinary people, but so genuine. Parents that go to work at the dawn of every weekday and come home with smiles. They truly gave me the understanding of the American success in the world. Still today I thrive to learn from them and be a genuine person in my life. We made so many memories and these memories make me smile daily.
I have been living in the U.S. continuously almost 23 years now, which means I came back just after college in Mongolia. Arriving this time was much different because I knew what I will face and who will be there for me always. Currently, I work for a major international financial agency, and since 2011, I have been blessed to work with international organizations such as this one. I am here today and I created my own family in the U.S. because of the journey I took with the Nacel Open Door. I am forever grateful for everyone in this organization and the people who cared for me when I was just a teenager.
I would like to wish the very best for you all who are deciding to embark on a new journey. It will have a few surprises but there will be great memories to look back on when time goes on."
Thank you, Zula, for being a NOD star and standout U.S. Ambassador!
Nacel Open Door is grateful to Zula for sharing her story and for all of our host families who welcome our students into their homes and make international student exchanges work so well! To learn more about being a Host Family or Local Representative, and developing these lifelong relationships, visit